Keywords and expertise related to "industrial simbyosis"
(G. d'Annunzio University, Chieti-Pescara, 2011)

Name Keywords Expertise
Luigia PETTI
< a.raggi at >
- ecologia industriale
- industrial ecology
- life cycle assessment
- life cycle thinking
- approccio al ciclo di vita
- life cycle approach
- industrial simbyosis
- life cycle management
- valutazione ambientale
- sistemi di gestione ambientale
- qualit…
- ecodesign
- design for environment
- progettazione sostenibile
- carbon footprint
- social life cycle assessment
- sustainability life cycle assessment
- food quality
- sustainable consumption
- gestione del fine vita
- environmental auditing
- cleaner production
- business environmental performance
- dematerialization
- sustainability
- servizi turistici
- filiera agro-alimentare
- filiera vitiviniola
- eco-efficiency
- prezzo ideale
