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click here to download BibCoupl.EXE

click here to download ISI.EXE

 click here to download BibJourn.EXE
click here to download CoAuth.Exe

Coauth.exe for Co-authorship Analysis


This program enables one to generate a representation of the coauthorship relations in a document set. Input is a set saved using ISI’s Web of Science, and outputs are:


1. cosine.dat provides an input file for Pajek as a visual representation of the coauthorship network among the authors within this set. The matrix is normalized using the cosine.

2. coocc.dat and matrix.dbf are the files which underly cosine.dat. Coocc.dat is the file before normalization; and matrix.dbf the asymmetrical data matrix. The latter file is also exported in csv-format as matrix.txt and can be used for statistical analysis in SPSS, the former for graph-analytical analysis using UCINet. A file “labels.sps” contains the variable labels in SPSS syntax.

3. Like ISI.EXE, the program CoAuth.EXE produces four databases containing the information in the original input set in relational format: au.dbf with the authors; cs.dbf with the address (“corporate sources”); core.dbf with information which is unique for each record (e.g., the title); and cr.dbf containing the cited references. The files are linked through the numbers in core.dbf. If one needs only these files, one is advised to use ISI.EXE, since the computation of the cosine is computer intensive, and therefore time-consuming.


The routine creating the matrix and the cosine-normalized output uses the author names in the file au.dbf as variable names, and the records in core.dbf as the cases (rows). The number of authors is limited to 1024, but the number of documents is unlimited.


The program is based on DOS-legacy software. It runs in a MS-Dos Command Box under Windows. The programs and the input files have to be contained in the same folder. The output files are written into this directory. Please, note that existing files from a previous run are overwritten by the program. The user is advised to save output elsewhere if one wishes to continue with these materials.


input files


The input file has to be saved as a so-called marked list in the tagged format from the Science Citation Index (Social Science Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index) at the Web-of-Science. The default filename “savedrecs.txt” should not be used, but “data.txt” instead.


output files


The program produces four output files in dBase IV format. These files can be read into Excel and/or SPSS for further processing. They can also be used in MS Access for relational database management. These files can be produced by using the simpler ISI.EXE (which is much less intensive in the computation).

Click here to download ISI.EXE


Like BibCoupl, BibJourn additionally produces two files with the extension “.dat” (cosine.dat and coocc.dat) are in DL-format (ASCII) which can be read directly into Pajek for the visualization (Pajek is freely available at ). A number of additional databases are coproduced:


a. matrix.txt (and matrix.dbf) contain the matrix of the documents as the cases and the author names in the set as the variables. This file can be imported into SPSS for further analysis; labels.sps provides the variable names in SPSS syntax.


b. coocc.dbf contains a co-occurrence matrix of the journal names from this same data. This matrix is symmetrical and it contains the journal names both as variables and as labels in the first field. The main diagonal is set to zero. The number of co-occurrences is equal to the multiplication of occurrences in each of the texts. (The procedure is similar to using the file matrix.dbf as input to the routine “affiliations” in UCINet, but the main diagonal is here set to zero in this matrix.) The file coocc.dat contains this information in the DL-format.


c. cosine.dbf contains a normalized co-occurrence matrix of the journal names from the same data. Normalization is based on the cosine between the variables conceptualized as vectors (Salton & McGill, 1983). (The procedure is similar to using the file matrix.dbf as input to the corresponding routing in SPSS.) The file cosine.dat contains this information in the Pajek-format. The size of the nodes is equal to the logarithm of the occurrences of the respective author; this feature can be turned on in Pajek.


Click here to download Coauth.EXE


Click here to download BibCoupl.EXE


Click here for similar programs for Full Text and Co-Word Analysis


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