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The program http://www.leydesdorff.net/software/redundancy/redundancy.exe follows up on mode2div.exe and other routines for the measurement of interdisciplinarity at http://www.leydesdorff.net/software/mode2div and http://www.leydesdorff.net/software/interdisc .  It adds the computation of synergy values for any three column vectors in a matrix. (See http://www.leydesdorff.net/software/synergy for an older organization of the data in terms of a three-dimensional array).


mode2div.exe (at http://www.leydesdorff.net/software/mode2div/mode2div.exe ) computes diversity measures along the column vectors of a 2-mode matrix saved in the .net format of Pajek. Output are the files div_col.dbf and div_col.csv (with the same content) containing the various diversity indicators along the column dimension for all units of analysis (in the rows).


Whereas mode2div.exe reads any file containing a 2-mode matrix in the .net format, the routines specified at http://www.leydesdorff.net/software/interdisc read specifically Web-of-Science data downloaded at the web in the “plain text” format. Be careful that input data have to be ASCII/ANSI and not UTF-8 or other coding.


Redundancy.exe follows up reading the two-mode matrix. One is first prompted for the name of the matrix file in Pajek format (.net). The program adds three fields to div_col.dbf, renamed into div_share.dbf : TPlus, TMinus, and TDiff. TPlus is the sum of the three-dimensional entropy values T(123) larger than zero and TMinus the sum of the negative entropy values for this same variable. The files minus.net and plus.net contain the corresponding values for the links.


Note that a node can participate in (n-1) link; each link can participate in (n * (n-1))/2 triads. The entropy values for the triads are available in temp1.dbf; for the links in temp2.dbf; and the for the nodes in shares.dbf . The initial results are collected in the file syn_ting.dbf. (.dbf files can be read with SPSS or Open Office; Excel may need an add-on).


The routine generates a number of other files; see the code in redundancy.prg for more details. The program assumes that the files generated by mode2div are available.


Amsterdam, 26 May 2019