Table of Contents
Special Triple Helix issue of Research Policy Vol. 29(2) (2000) 109-330.

Henry Etzkowitz and Loet Leydesdorff, "The Triple Helix of University-Industry-Government Relations, Mode-2, and National Systems of Innovation"

Institutional transformations

Michael J. Nowak (Xerox Parc, Palo Alto, USA) and Charles E. Grantham (Institute for the Study of Distributed Work, Walnut Creek, CA, USA), "The Virtual Incubator: Managing Human Capital in the Software Industry"

Judith Sedaitis (Social Science Research Council, New York, USA), "Technology Transfer in Transitional Economies: comparing marekt, state and organizational frameworks."

Norma Morris (University College, London, U.K.), "Vial Bodies: Conflicting Interests in the Move to New Institutional Relationships in Biological Medicines Research and Regulation

Cooper Langford and Martha Whitney Langford (University of Calgary, Canada): "The Evolution of Rules for Access to Megascience Research Environments Viewed from Canadian Experience."

Shin-Ichi Kobayashi (Graduate School of Information Systems, Tokyo, Japan), "Applying Audition Systems from Performing Arts to R&D Funding Mechanisms: Quality Control in Collaboration Between the Public and Private Sectors in Japan."

Evolutionary mechanisms

Eduardo Anselmo de Castro, Carlos Jose Rodrigues, Carlos Esteves, and Artur da Rosa Pires (Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal): "The Triple Helix as a Propeller of Creative Use of Telematics."

Susanne Giesecke (Free University, Berlin, Germany), "The Contrasting Roles of Government in the Development of the Biotechnology Industries In the U.S. and Germany."

Rosalba Casas, Rebeca de Gortari, and Ma. Josefa Santos (UNAM, Mexico), "The Building of Knowledge Spaces in Mexico: A regional approach to networking."

Loet Leydesdorff,(Science Dynamics, University of Amsterdam, Holland): "The Triple Helix: An Evolutionary Model of Innovations."

Koen Frenken (INRA Grenoble University, France), "A complexity approach to innovation networks: The case of the aircraft industry (1909-1997)."

The Second Academic Revolution

Benoît Godin and Yves Gingras (CIRST, UQAM, Montréal, Canada): "The Place of Universities in the System of Knowledge Production".

Judith Sutz (Universidad de la Republica, Montevideo, Uruguay), "The university-industry-government relations in Latin America."

Mats Benner and Ulf Sandstr¸ m (TEMA, Linkoping, Sweden), "Institutionalizing the Triple Helix: Research Funding and Norms in the Academic System."

Eric G. Campbell, Joel S. Weissman, Nancyanne Causino, and David Blumenthal (Harvard Medical School, etc., Boston, USA), "Data Withholding in Academic Medicine: Characteristics of Faculty Denied Access to Research Results and Biomaterials"

Henry Etzkowitz (SPI, SUNY,USA), Andrew Webster (SATSU,Anglia Polytechnic University, UK,) Christiane Gebhardt (LWS Consultancy, Germany) and Branca Terra (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), "The Future of the University and the University of the Future: Evolution of Ivory Tower to Entrepreneurial Paradigm."


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